Sustain Europe
Sustain Europe is a semiannual magazine and website promoting responsible solutions to ensure long term climate protection.
Covering business affairs, business travel, foreign direct investment, energy matters, and sustainable development, and we do so without agenda and with a sustainable spirit. Our vision is of a prosperous and sustainable European continent: one which puts people and planet first.

Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Construction and Eco Mobility
- Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Construction and Eco Mobility
- BioEconomic® Conference “Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Sustainable Construction and Eco Mobility”
- Conference BIM – BREEAM – WELL – LEED® – Passivhaus “Methodology of work applied to certifications for Sustainable Construction”
- Conferences BioEconomic® LEED® Certification “Energy Efficiency, Rehabilitation, Sustainable Construction and the Electric Vehicle”
- Cycle Conferences BioEconomic® Smart City & Smart Village “ICT, Energy Efficiency, Eco Construction, Water, Waste, Sustainable Mobility”
- EXPO BioEconomic® VE “Exhibition and testing of Electric, LPG, Hybrid and Alternative Vehicles”
- REIH® Plan “Integral Energy Rehabilitation

Solar News
Online news blog & publicity in the solar sector, including updated innovations, events and more, all affiliated with the solar division both in Spain and internationally.

UN Water Action Decade
International Decade for Action on ‘Water for Sustainable Development’ 2018-2028. The Water Action Decade will accelerate efforts towards meeting water-related challenges, including limited access to safe water and sanitation, increasing pressure on water resources and ecosystems, and an exacerbated risk of droughts and floods.
IEF are proud to be able to be taking part in the International Decade for Action on ‘Water for Sustainable Development’ 2018-2028. Our event can be found on UN WATER webpage, under their take action – events section.

Luks Marbella Investment Club
Luks Marbella services provide integration for Russian speaking families in to the life of modern Spanish society. Through business connections, cultural events and more.
Their investments club offers independent professional advisory services on the Costa del Sol.

SUR in Russian
Online news website as well as printed newspaper for the Costa del Sol, editions include English, Spanish, Russian, German and more, fitting the needs of the diverse cultures on the costa del sol.
Líderes en Información, Formación y Conocimiento para el Sector del Tratamiento del Agua

La Asociación para los Tratamientos Sostenibles de Agua (ATSA) ha surgido para llenar un vacío actual existente en el mercado, un vacío creado precisamente por la aparición de nuevas figuras profesionales, nuevas necesidades y nuevas formas de entender la sostenibilidad y el ciclo integral del agua.

The Water Network
The Water Network (TWN) is the largest online knowledge sharing and business exchange platform for the water industry, reaching 500.000 water professionals.

Mundo ECO
Mundo ECO es un portal web de información sobre ecología y medio ambiente. Desde nuestro portal podrás estar al día sobre ecología, energías renovables, transporte eco y muchas cosas mas.

Российский Центр Науки и Культуры в Мадриде
Российский центр науки и культуры в Мадриде действует с 2011 года и находится в сердце испанской столицы рядом с памятником архитектуры Пуэрта-де-Алкала недалеко от главной площади Соль, Королевского дворца и знаменитой улицы Гран Вия.
Devdiscourse is a global media platform for development news with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set up by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030.
Devdiscourse covers development news from across the world and presents them in 15 defined categories of agroforestry, art & culture, technology, economy & business, education, energy & extractives, politics, law & governance, health, science & environment, social and gender, sports, transport, urban development, and WASH. The parent company – Vision RI (, is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified knowledge consulting firm.

Biosphere Tourism
En Biosphere desarrollamos certificaciones para garantizar un equilibrio adecuado a largo plazo entre las dimensiones económica, socio-cultural y medioambiental de un Destino, reportando beneficios significativos para la propia entidad, la sociedad y el medio ambiente.
Asegurando el cumplimiento de una serie de requisitos basados en los principios de sostenibilidad y mejora continua, ofrecemos la oportunidad a las empresas del sector de diseñar productos y servicios propios de un nuevo modelo de turismo no agresivo, satisfaciendo las necesidades actuales de clientes y usuarios, sin comprometer a las generaciones futuras.